Ayurveda Centrum Lawrence Hill Paradise

Our Guests' Ayurveda Experiences

Guest review 2024-09-25


Dear Lawrence Hill

Thank you for a beautiful stay and the amazing treatments. Beautiful location and opportunity to relax, recover and restore
Much love

Rachel from Sidney Australia

Guest review 2024-09-23


Dear Lawrence Hill Team, right away THANK YOU

.....for the loving care of all,
.....the soothing treatments by so many gentle, firm, healing hands
.....the wonderful trips to the market and the full moon festival
.....the excellent food (especially the lentil curry ) ????
.....the great yoga classes
.....the relaxing time in the garden, by the pool and also in the room
.....the respectful, friendly, cordial cooperation among the guests

We are already looking forward to seeing you again

Thank you Robert and Gerlinde

Guest review 2024-08-17


Dear Lawrence Hill Team

I was able to spend 2 1/2 wonderful weeks here and get to know so many friendly and loving people – both the hotel staff and the guests present at the same time.
It was a pleasure for me and also touched me very much to see the love with which everything is taken care of here. The daily beautiful preparation of the beds, the lovingly prepared food, as well as the caring service at meals, the always helpful reception staff, the consistently tended and well-kept garden, the consultations with attentive and understanding doctors, the relaxing and well-cared for treatments and the funny but also serious thought-provoking conversations with the guest managers.
All this made me feel very welcome here and feel at home after a few days. The fact that I was able to spend my birthday here and receive the many heartfelt congratulations and attentions was a great gift for me.
I leave this place in deepest gratitude, in respect and esteem for all that is done here and, above all, with a heart full of love, and I look forward to coming back.
All the best for each and every one of you

Lena from Reutlingen

Guest review 2024-04-29


10 days (Lawrence Hill) Paradise

It was now my 3rd time Ayurveda in this great resort. And each time it was different, but always very instructive, pleasant and balanced.
This time I spent 10 days here. I enjoyed the wonderful massages with the warm therapists, the delicious food and the interesting conversations with the other guests.
I also found the guided tours (herbal cuisine) and excursions (moonstone mine, turtle farm, temple on full moon night, tsunami museum) very exciting.
Thanks to the wonderful guest manager Sameera, the nice and competent Mrs. Dr. Hasini, the therapists with the golden hands, the attentive waiters and cooks, the sweet Samidi at the reception, the hard-working gardeners who keep the LHP so beautiful and all the other good spirits who work here.
All the best and Ayubowan

Daniela from Vienna

Guest review 2024-04-12


Dear Ayurveda-Paradise-Team

After 20 days in this beautiful place with all the wonderful people, I am deeply touched - not only in body but also especially in soul and heart.
My deep thanks go to everyone - whether visible or behind the scenes - who give their best every day and made this time unforgettable for me through their active and tireless commitment,
their high professionalism and their warm-heartedness.
Thank you so much and from the bottom of our hearts only the best for you

Annette from Wiesbaden

Guest review 2024-04-07


Dear Paradise-Team
You have made our first Ayurveda experience a wonderful event.
Everyone was so warm and always there for us. Many thanks to the therapists, doctors and the many good souls in the background and service
We were certainly not the last time here.
All the best wishes

Anja and Simone

Guest review 2024-04-05


Dear Paradise Team
I really enjoyed my stay here and it was my first time Ayurveda but certainly not the last!
The therapists and generally all the people involved here have made my stay here special and unique. Thank you for that!
All the best

Katrin from Linz

Guest review 2024-04-05


Thank you so much for everything!
Now I was allowed to be here for the 5th time in this beautiful place and I saw myself again, very well recovered.
I was greeted with the words "Welcome home" and it feels a bit like that. I was treated and cared for very well again.
Hopefully I can be back here next year.
All the best

Bernadette from Düsseldorf

Guest review 2024-04-04


Dear Paradise-Team
Saying goodbye to your beautiful "paradise" is difficult for me. The time here with you has done me so much good that my soul is "smiling" again!
I thank everyone, everyone gave their best and thus brought about the best possible recovery!!
I wish the entire team a good time and say goodbye with warm greetings!

Guest review 2024-02-22


For the first time in Sri Lanka, after 3 weeks of miraculous stay, we are allowed to travel home with a grateful heart strengthened, as if reborn. The little paradise will remain in our best memories, especially the many beautiful encounters.

Christina and Markus

Guest review 2024-02-11


Dear team at the Lawrence Hill Paradise Hotel

Without ever having had any contact with Ayurveda or yoga, it was a wonderful two weeks full of new experiences. I enjoyed the time and recovered brilliantly - totally relaxed!

The smiles on the faces of the staff seem like a rising sun to me!

Thank you very much

Dieter Bussen

Guest review 2024-01-13


Liebes Lawrence Hill Team

Thank you very much for the wonderful time I was able to spend here. Ayurveda was new to me, and I am impressed by the great results and the extensive knowledge of the doctors. The team of therapists accompanied me through the days with warmth, kindness, empathy and care and with a very high quality of treatments.

Kitchen and service made every meal a pleasure. And the rooms were lovingly cleaned and maintained. The garden is beautiful and the grounds the perfect ambience for the wonderful relaxation.



Guest review 2024-01-10


A great team, wonderful doctors...... You have won our hearts!

Thank you!

Magdalena and Bernhard

Guest review 2024-01-07



Spontaneously, after 2 weeks of backpacking � travel, I decided to come to you to relax. Without expectations � but if I had had any, they would have been far exceeded. Thanks to all the therapists, unbelievable what and how they treat. so empathetic, authentic and full of commitment.

See you

Robert from Bavaria Landshut


We spent two wonderful weeks here � super nice atmosphere with pleasant guests. Everything was perfect! Our big thanks go to the doctors, therapists and the many helpers.

Jutta and Andreas Wiesbaden

Guest review 2024-01-03


Dear Lawrence Team

Thank you very much for the wonderful time. I felt very comfortable here. Your hearts have been shining on me every day. You have always been friendly and helpful to me. I will always carry the memory and the wonderful moments in my heart.

Flower Lady


Guest review 2023-12-11


Dear Team

Unfortunately, the three weeks went by far too quickly.

No wonder with such good therapies, very good food, a beautiful environment and garden and very good medical care. Thanks to all the people who looked after our well-being here. We will think of you a lot.

Beate Maria/Dr. Sieglinde

Guest review 2023-04-30


Dear Lawrence Hill Paradise Team

for the first time I (Catrin 52 years old) and my dad (Fritz 85 years old) were on an Ayurveda cure.

Until then, none of us was interested in Ayurveda, but now we are very satisfied with the house of Lawrence Paradise. We can only do it with the best words like: correct in all areas, polite, friendly, helpful, especially with the therapists who were always there for us.

The farewell blossom bath was "stunning" and we will probably never again be so richly gifted with flowers in our lives! We leave with one laughing and one crying eye.

Thanks again from

Kathrin Körber Mitter and Fritz Körber Munich

Guest review 2023-04-22


Dear Lawrence Hill Paradise Team,

On the spur of the moment, I have repeatedly started the Ayurveda cure with great expectation "Only here I can find help"

After 14 days I say thank you, thank you for the loving care, the extraordinarily friendly care/care.

Thanks to the kitchen team for the very tasty food thanks to the good spirits from the housekeeping garden, service and......

Lawrence Hill has been good for my health for body, mind, and soul.

I wish everyone at Lawrence Hill all the best and stay healthy.

I would love to come back and recommend you to others.

Until next time

Kirstin Merker from Saxony-Anhalt

Guest review 2023-04-14


Dear Lawrence Hill Team,

Thank you for the wonderful 19 days here in paradise. Once again, it was indescribably beautiful. I was very well taken care of by everyone all around. For the fourth time I was able to enjoy a relaxing cure here and I really hope that I can come back next year.

All good wishes Bernadette from Dusseldorf

(the elephant whisperer)

Guest review 2023-04-05


Dear Lawrence hill paradise team

Thanks a lot for the wonderful relaxing nourishing and lovely time here!

Special thanks goes to the doctors and their therapists who did a great job carrying lovely and professional thanks for the yoga lesson and all your efforts. Also to the great chefs in the kitchen eating your nourishing and delicious food was every bite a big pleasure for me! I loved the food!

The gardeners doing a hard work in the hot sun and keep everything so beautiful - what a beautiful garden! Thank you!

Thanks to the staff in the reception the guest guards, the management always helping nice and very friendly!

Thanks to old the wonderful animals in your place to be in there and keeping me smile

A huge thank you! To the housekeeping staff for cleaning my room bringing water even killing cockroaches for me and last but not least the stunning goodbye flower bed! The big thanks for the washing team the night gardener and all people working here I missed to tell.

see you again one day Julia

Guest review 2023-03-30


Dear Lawrence Hill Team

From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank everyone for the wonderful time with you. I was able to really relax during this time because the peace and the environment was right.

Wish you all the best and maybe see you soon

from Switzerland Maja Hinteregg

Guest review 2023-03-08


Dear ones all of Lawrence Hill Paradise:

I have been warmly welcomed and divinely pampered, there is a very loving atmosphere here, everyone is friendly and extremely helpful. All my wishes were fulfilled and I was allowed to feel like in paradise. Thank you very much for everything!

Thank you for the wonderful massages and treatments.

Thank you for the morning yoga.

Thank you for the dear gardeners, room cleaners, cooks, waiters, guards, etc.

Thanks to the reception.

Thanks to both guest relations.

Thank you both doctors.

Thank you to the entire team of therapists.

I keep you in warm memory.


Anne Doll

Guest review 2023-02-20


A wonderful journey with many new impressions and very nice people comes to an end. The Ayurveda team has done a great job and managed to make me go home very much in harmony with myself. In addition, I got to know very dear comrades-in-arms and I am grateful that I felt so well taken care of in a small group of girls.

"Finding people who feel with us is probably the most beautiful happiness on earth"

Barbara from dahoam!

Guest review 2022-09-14


Dear friends of Lawrence Hill Paradise

You are great! We have spent a wonderful 11 days with you and definitely want to come back!

Your Ayurveda treatments are super professional and all those who work here are very accommodating & warm. You have always conjured up a smile on our lips and pampered us according to stroke & thread. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this!

We are glad that we have come here despite the circumstances around the land and can recommend this to everyone with a good feeling.

All the best for you Franzi & Verena

Guest review 2022-08-30


Dear team from Lawrence Hill, and all the wonderful ladies and gentlemen!

It was a great pleasure and honor to be your guest!

The grounds and pool are very welcoming and well-maintained. Above all, I was grateful for the great care. As the only guest in this beautiful resort, it felt a bit "strange" at first – I only knew holidays and Ayurveda cures before Covid – with many other guests. But through the loving care of Mr. Ananda and Mr. Srilal, I did not feel lonely, but like a "princess" – every wish was read from my eyes! Thank you very much for that!

Dr. Buddhika was delightful and empathetic and prescribed or adapted great therapies for me. Perfect! The therapists here are simply a dream! Everyone is totally sweet and attentive, you can feel their love what they do. After that, I was always "like in another world"

Yoga did me so well (despite the early start) because I voluntarily got up so early – that means something! I wish the LHP and its staff the VERY BEST, many dear guests, much success

Ayubowan! Namaste, Daniela from Vienna

Guest review 2022-08-27


Dear Lawrence Team

Many thanks again for the wonderful treatments – which have compensated me after 2 weeks and the great doctors have also contributed their part.

I wish you all the best for the future – that you get more guests again and that Lawrence is preserved so that this beautiful facility and the good people can continue to exist and live well.

See you soon


Guest review 2022-08-01


Dear Lawrence Hill Gang (including Larry and Sissy, Baghira and Billy)

Today is my last full treatment day and now as I have just had a lovely pedicure by Sameera, which was the final touch of my three-week stay here, I want to thank all of you for the excellent and individualized care.

Tomorrow I will leave rejuvenated, calmed, and looking forward to reaping the health benefits which came from the time spent here,

Thank you for everything.

Lara Wheelock from FFM

Guest review 2022-07-29


Dear Lawrence Paradise Hill Team

In your little oasis you can relax and recharge your batteries.

I would like to thank the whole TEAM - it is more of a family - and look forward to seeing you again soon!

Please hold on – even if the external circumstances do not make it easy for you at the moment. With you, I always feel safe and competently accompanied.

All the best and see you soon

Sonja (from near Munich)

Guest review 2022-07-28


Dear Lawrence Paradise Hill Team

I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful stay.

From the gardener to the kitchen, the two doctors and guest advisors, all the therapists and housekeeping, you are all so wonderfully loving and competent at the same time. To complete an Ayurvedic treatment in such a warm and professional atmosphere and environment was just beautiful.

Thank you!

Despite your problems and challenges in the country, we have always felt very safe and well protected. Thanks to your work, your hotel is indeed a paradise.

Ayubowan and see you soon

Nicole and Alea from Switzerland

Guest review 2022-07-26


Dear Team

Thank you very much for the beautiful four weeks with YOU !!!

I learned a lot and filled myself very securely. Thank you also for the good food and weather!

Surely I will come back to Sri Lanka soon.

All the best for the future



Guest review 2022-07-21


Dear Team of Paradise

My goal was to find myself and my center again. What can I say, after almost 2 weeks I am satisfied, happy and shine.

I came with an emotional backpack full of bricks, I will go with a feather-light backpack filled with warmth, happiness, contentment and inner strength. I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Everything is simply paradisiacal, from the rooms, the loving flower arrangements fresh from the garden, the great doctors, the incredibly sensitive + fantastic therapists to a meal to kneel down. You are a great team and you can feel it.

It will certainly not have been my last stay.

In this sense,

Eva is now unfortunately leaving paradise

Greetings and see you soon

Eva from Halbergmoss (Munich)

Guest review 2022-04-01


At the beginning of the year, I learned in a seminar or had the realization that I had opened the door to paradise. A few months later I find myself here in Sri Lanka. The manifested paradise on earth. The hotel adds to the effect and makes my first encounter with Asia an overwhelming success.

I am grateful from the bottom of my heart for everything I have experienced, experienced, and learned here I wish you all a blessed future full of happiness, health, and joy. In addition, a lot of strength, patience, and love for the current time.



Guest review 2021-12-21


Dear team from Lawrence Hill,

Like 2 years ago it was again very nice with you. Refreshed and relaxed, we can return to Germany.

We were particularly pleased that we saw many well-known faces again. So you feel immediately familiar and arrived. And also in terms of service, it was perfect again.

Thank you very much for everything and continue to be so successful.

We will definitely be back.

Thorsten & Sylvia from Leipzig.

Guest review 2021-12-15


Dear Team of Lawrence Hill

As before, this stay was an enrichment in every respect. But above all, it is the people who so naturally give us their kindness and attention.

it touches me again and again. Not to forget - super organization, competent staff to offer guests an oasis of well-being.

Thank you - Merci – Grazie

Agatha from Montrent-Switzerland

Guest review 2019-11-22


The first time in Asia ... the first Ayurveda cure ... and a precision landing in paradise! It's truly wonderful here; not only because of the gorgeous nature the very well maintained garden, and the beautiful rooms, this feel-good factor is mostly due to the people here: the therapists, cooks, service personnel in the restaurant and housekeeping, the guest relation officers and all those, who I haven't mentioned here, lovingly focusing on the well-being of the guests, mine included! Thanks a million for everything, I really benefited from the cure and it made a long-lasting impression on me.

Until the next time, with my best regards Barbara from Berlin

Guest review 2019-11-22


Dear Ayurveda-Paradise Team!

I know only one place, where so many wonderful things can be found in one gorgeous place: superb attention, profound medical expertise, never-ending laughter, silence, where it's needed, delightful and divine bird calls, a beautifully landscaped and maintained garden and the constant smiles on the faces of all staff members!

All this transported me from a stressful world directly to paradise.

I am infinitely grateful to my niece and nephew, for simply gifting me this journey and this cure and that I am coming home completely regenerated and able to tell all of Europe about this place. I wish you many lovely guests and for myself I wish that we will all meet again.

With gratitude and love, yours Sabine

Guest review 2019-11-12


We were so happy, to be able to come here again!
This is truly a paradise, not only due to the beautiful garden with flowers, pool and hammocks, but even more so, due to all the lovely people exuding a friendliness and attentiveness, which completely bowls you over and puts you in a positive mood.

It's just not possible to be unhappy here. And the wonderful treatments, paired with the delicious food, really leave nothing to be desired.

Many thanks to everyone!!

Angela & Peter

Guest review 2019-11-06


Dear family,
This institution is wonderfully perfect. It represents paradise on earth. Naturally the staff is the biggest asset; before I could even think about my wishes, they were already fulfilled.

I will gladly come again to immerse myself in this great atmosphere. With my best wishes and from the bottom of my heart.

Michael Slutsker

Guest review 2019-10-20


To the lovely team at Lawrence Hill Paradise

After 17 years we are now in Sri Lanka and with you for the second time.We were worried that everything might have got more commercialised.

Luckily this proved not to be the case. We even recognised some staff from our first visit and, of course, Christine. We received such a warm welcome; nothing we asked was too much trouble for you and we immediately felt at home again. We are returning home truly regenerated and invigorated, with a great many impressions and good resolutions. Judging by our conversations with the other guests, who we met here, we can confirm that you have performed small miracles on occasion. This is only possible due to the individual care and attentiveness.

Many thanks for everything. We would love to come back.

The very best regards to everyone,
Thorsten and Sylvia from Leipzig

Guest review 2019-08-31


Thank you for treating me like the "Queen of the Paradise" for four weeks...

Guest review 2019-04-26


Many thanks for everything!

It’s the second time I could be in this beautiful place and enjoy the indescribable cordiality and competence of all the members of staff. Once again the treatments did me the world of good.

Unfortunately we also had to experience Sri Lanka being devastated by terror. My heartfelt condolences and compassion to all the persons concerned. I hope that the country will recover soon from this shock.

I will definitely return, despite all the warnings, and am already looking forward to another warm welcome.

Best Regards,
Bernadette from Düsseldorf

Guest review 2019-03-25


After a two week round trip, we were looking forward to this oasis and our expectations were exceeded by far!

We will remember the excellent food, the very personalized attention and the familiar relationship with the staff for a long time. We came with questions and left with a lot of answers. We met strangers and left friends behind. A big stuti from up North.

Denisa & Alan

Guest review 2019-03-17


Our stay was short, but very gratifying and we enjoyed the good service and above all everybody’s amiability and attentiveness. Many thanks for the loving care and support; we hope to come back soon.

Veronica & Fabian
Colombia & Switzerland

Guest review 2019-02-24


Thanks everyone for wonderful two weeks in paradise. I feel extremely thankful for having this opportunity to experience Ayurveda here in Sri Lanka.

I felt so well taken care of every single day. All the smiles, laughs and happiness will be an unforgettable memory for me.

I’ve learned so much from you about Ayurveda, about Sri Lanka, about healthy food and yoga and – last but not least – about myself.

Thanks for making every day so special.


I’m sure I’ll come back.

Guest review 2019-02-22


​Our ayurvedic taster week is over now. Thanks a million to the whole team of Lawrence Hill paradise for the warmth, peace, attentiveness, loving care, openness and attention to detail.

With and without Shiro Lepa, we felt like royalty. Now we continue on our way, grateful for these experiences.

Best Regards and best wishes to all!
Sebastian & Sandra from Berlin

Guest review 2019-02-02


Dear Team,
I would like to thank all those who help, shape, cook, clean and organize here…. ​

I want to thank everybody who made the stay so wonderful.

Doris ​

​ It was a heavenly stay full of strength, relaxation and inspiration. My thanks to all of you. I hope to see you again soon,


Guest review 2019-02-02


Thank you all for taking such good care of all guests!

I have never been anywhere, where everybody has been so professional, attentive, engaged and service minded. The garden is lovely and so well taken care of! The food is fantastic! The service in the restaurant is wonderful! The rooms are clean and spotless! (Thank you also for the nice “Goodbye” with flowers on the bed)

And all therapists are super! The doctors are very professional! And the reception is always there to help!

Thank you!

Guest review 2018-12-30


Many thanks!

...for absolutely everything....

I will come back; this place with its lovely people is balm for the soul.


Guest review 2018-12-30


I would like to come again for another cure, as it was very beneficial for me again. I came on 2 crutches and now I am able to walk again much better. It’s important to be patient, when recovering from a fractured hip – especially at the age of 88. Srilal with his kind soul, the doctors … I am satisfied and would like to give thanks for everything.

Paula Körschgen ​

My heartfelt thanks to the whole team for the cordial smiles at all times.


Guest review 2018-12-30


Once again it was an exceptional stay with you. It was very important for me to soak up strength, relaxation, recuperation and love here at the end of the year. For the second time I was able to experience the attentiveness and cordiality, that your whole team exudes.

I thank you all and am looking forward to coming back.

Many thanks indeed, Kerstin

Guest review 2018-12-13


Dear Team! ​

With your cordiality, your smiles,The perfect treatments, the delicious food and your constant loving care you created three weeks in paradise for me! We will definitely see each other again. ​

Many thanks​! Elisabeth from Münster

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Guest review July 2018

July 2018

Dear all at Lawrence Hill Paradise, this place has been a true paradise for me. I am more than thankful to have been here. It is you all, who make this place an oasis of recovery and wellbeing. I want to thank you for your help in times that weren’t easy for me. Your passion and your soulful treatments helped me to cure my suffering – both mentally and physically. You can be sure that I’ll always remember my time here and the wonderful way you reminded me of my inner strength and the feeling of a balance between mind, soul & body. I wish you all the best!

Deeply thankful, Martina
Sending light & love & shanti

Guest review July 2018

1st July 2018

Dear Paradise Team, My sister brought me to Lawrence Hill Paradise and I have been pampered, counseled and received with open arms. The time spent here made me entirely happy. Thanks a million everyone! I will definitely return.


Dear Team, I was able to enjoy Paradise and the excellent treatments here for the third time, as well as the warmth and cordiality of all team members. I was able to unwind and recharge my batteries; also thanks to the fabulous morning yoga classes.

Many thanks indeed, Christiane

guest review scan image 30june18

30th June 2018

Dear Team, I want to thank all the people, who have looked after me for the past 3 weeks with such kindness from the bottom of my heart. Every person I met gave me a genuine smile; whether it was the gardener, the kitchen staff, the therapist or the doctors. I also want to thank the two terrific Guest Relations Officers, who were able to deal with any kind of “heartache”. Truly it is a little slice of paradise. I found the medical care I received from the doctors and the therapists very professional and committed. And the yoga lessons in the morning make for a wonderful start to the day. I was really very touched by the people here. It has been a long time since I experienced so much cordiality, amiability, sincerity and joy. Thanks to all of you. I wholeheartedly wish that everything you are giving to others will come back to you. I will remember you and think of you often. A big thank you also to Christine who created this paradise.

Best Regards, Irma (Baumgartner)

Guest review 06th May 2018

06th May 2018

Dear Lawrence Hill folks, ​I have been here for three weeks now and felt very comfortable. Many thanks! All of you make this place very special – I was able to learn a lot during my stay and will continue in this vein at home! I especially enjoyed the atmosphere – how everything colludes, right up until the very end. I am not a fan of big words – thank you to all of you!!!

Best Regards, Dani

Guest review 27th April 2018

27th April 18

Dear Team, I am very happy that I decided to take an Ayurveda cure after my round trip and to follow the recommendation to do this at your resort in Hikkaduwa. In this friendly and informal environment and the fabulous hotel, I was able to relax very well and with the help of the Ayurveda experts (a big thank you to the doctors and the therapists), I was able to focus entirely on the cure. You manage to make Ayurveda very palatable and even though some of the herbal medicines do not taste so great, the food (which is very varied!!) is tasty every day. In the communal guest areas, I enjoyed many wonderful conversations and a stimulating exchange of ideas. I felt very comfortable and well looked-after.Many thanks for everything!

Kind Regards, Annika

Guest review 20th April 2018

20th April 2018

Dear Lawrence-Paradise-Hill folks! We arrived three weeks ago as Ayurveda-greenhorns. Now, three weeks later – to be precise three weeks minus one day – we know more! We had Shirodhara treatments, synchronous body massages, foot massages, head massages, nose treatments and many more. Each one of us reacted differently to the varied and intensive treatments. But we soon realized how beneficial they all are!!! And we were so well looked after, that we managed to do without Netflix and alcohol! That’s really saying something…We hope that this will continue to bear fruit back in Switzerland. Naturally it wasn’t always easy. It can be hard to break bad habits. But where else could one expect a success if not here! To cut a long story short: a big thank you to all of you!!!! ​

Until the next time! Flurina, Michael, Mirjam

Guest review 21st March 2018

12th March 2018

Dear team, ​for me it was the first Ayurveda cure. Initially I found it a bit difficult, but then I was able to enjoy my stay very much. You manage to create a pleasant and wonderful atmosphere, where people invariably feel at ease. Many thanks to all of you:
* to the Chefs, who create the delicious food.
* to the Waiters, who waited on us hand and foot.
* to the Housekeeping team, who ensure that the rooms are always nice.
* to the Gardeners who pick up every last leaf with a smile.
* to the Guest Relation Officers, who have a sympathetic ear for every little, concern.
* to the Receptionists, who were always eager to help
* and especially to the Therapists and the Doctors, who treated us so wonderfully with such care and with a sense of fun. ​

Thank you !!! Gaby

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